My partner has checked out of life

I'm sitting here, literally sobbing into one of my toddler's blankets so I don't wake her up from her nap. I don't have anyone I can talk to right now so I have to vent here.

My partner has completely checked out of our lives. We sleep in different bedrooms because his snoring doesn't let the munchkin sleep at night, so I share a room with her crib and he has his own room. Lately, he's been living solely inside his room. He keeps the door shut and doesn't answer me when I text, call, or try to talk to him. He literally hasn't spoken a word to me in almost 4 days. He hasn't spent ANY time with the munchkin of his own volition. And when he does spend time with her, he's just physically inhabiting the same room as her. He doesn't talk to her, play with her, read with her, nothing. He just watches her exist like she's on a screen and he's simply a spectator.

We both mentioned how much we want to take her to the library (books are her favorite thing in the world). Well, no matter how much I knock on his door, or try to talk to him, text, or call to wake him up so we can go, I get nothing. Mind you, he has NO problem getting up early to go snowboarding by himself. He has stopped helping me with her night night routine, he doesn't help feed her, clothe her, change her - literally nothing. I'm on duty from 7:30am until she goes to sleep (and since she still wakes up through the night, I'm up throughout the night as well).

He used to work 12 hour shifts and believe it or not, he actually was more involved then than he is now at a regular 40 hour work week. I'm at my wit's end. This is not the first time this has happened, however the last time I brought it to his attention he acknowledged it and rectified it.

To make matters worse, 6 months ago, I suffered a catastrophic injury that left me completely immobile for 4 months. I have only been able to walk unassisted again for 7 weeks. I'm nowhere near completely healed and chasing around an 18 month old on a bum leg for 12+ hours a day on insufficient sleep is not easy (to say the least).

His parents have noticed his absenteeism and they have tried to talk to him about it, but he just ignores them and stonewalls until they give up in frustration. In the past, I have asked him to go to therapy by himself and/or with me to a family therapist and he has agreed to both, but neither has materialized, despite his agreement going back well over a year. I'm honestly done trying to help. He's hurting me, himself, his parents, and most importantly, he's hurting his daughter. At a certain point, I feel like I'm leading the horse to water but of course, I can't make him drink.

It hurts me deeply to be ignored like this, but I'm a grown woman, I can move past it. My 18 month old cannot. She doesn't understand why her Dada doesn't seem to love or like her anymore. I don't want her to grow up thinking that this is an acceptable way to be treated, but I don't want to color how she views her dad. I am not financially able to live apart from him at this time, but I feel guilty that I'm keeping her in such an unhealthy environment.

I didn't intend for this to be so long. I just hurt. Physically, my leg hurts. Mentally, emotionally, spiritually, I'm aching. I feel like I could cry for a hundred years and it wouldn't be enough.

EDIT: First, I'd like to thank everyone who responded with compassion and helpful ideas. Yes, I definitely recognize that he is obviously severely depressed. His parents and I both see that clear as crystal. He is the kind of guy who thinks that needing medication is a form of weakness, which could explain his reluctance to actually go to therapy, despite agreeing to need it.

To all the widdle man-babies who are upset about the term "partner," 1. HE is the one who started using the term to describe himself, since we are not married and he finds "boyfriend" to be infantilizing, and 2. your misogyny is showing.

And to address the narrative that a lot of men in the comments seem to have, no, I am not, nor have I ever, cheated on him. He started sleeping in a separate room because he snores too loudly for her to sleep and because when he was working long shifts he would sometimes prematurely wake her while he was getting ready for work. This is not something I want - I miss having him next to me in bed. It is currently the most viable solution we have to a problem we didn't anticipate.

Edit 2: I didn't expect this to blow up and I've had to turn off notifications for my own sanity lol. To be clear, I deeply love him and want to help. I have asked his parents to help me talk to him. I have no intention of leaving or abandoning him. I was diagnosed with a depressive disorder over 25 years ago, so sadly, I am acutely familiar with how he's feeling and the patterns that have been emerging. I have personally found much success through a combination of talk based therapy and medication therapy, however NONE of that would have happened if I hadn't be receptive to what the people around me were telling me. I have voiced concern, his parents have voiced concern. But he isn't in a place where he can see that we are coming from a place of love and concern, not judgment. I WANT to help, but he has to want to help himself as well.

FINAL EDIT: Far, FAR too many people have clearly commented before reading - or lack basic reading comprehension. I DID NOT KICK HIM OUT OF HIS ROOM. He suggested it. Stop assuming that women are vile shrews who don't give a fuck about their spouse. I explicitly stated that I DO NOT WANT HIM IN A SEPARATE ROOM. There is so much abhorrent cruelty and misogyny in these comments, it's disgusting. If you are a man or woman who, upon reading a TOTAL STRANGER'S emotional vent, immediately jumps to the conclusion that one person in the situation is a saint and the other is scum, as opposed to acknowledging that there are complexities and nuances to the situation that you know NOTHING about, perhaps you should ask yourself why you need to see the world in such simplistic, judgmental terms. That reflects on the kind of person YOU are more than it reflects on who I am. People like you are the kind of person I'm raising my child NOT to be.

To the gracious souls who have offered empathy, support, and suggestions - I am so incredibly thankful for your kindness and thoughtfulness. You are beautiful people to show such consideration to a stranger on the internet. I am humbled and blessed for your time.

I will no longer be reading or responding to this post. If necessary, I will delete it. I'm going through more than enough right now without seeing ignorant and hurtful comments pouring in minute by minute.

To EVERYONE reading this, please know that mental health is not your fault, but it is your responsibility.