Update on possible bed bug bites after a day
Previous post here:
TLDR: Doctor in Hofn doesn’t think it’s bedbugs but can’t pin point what it is. I’m inclined to agree as bed bug bites on this level would mean an infestation that should have been obvious to the naked eye.
Current leading Reddit theories are midge bites or swimmer’s itch.
For added timeline info, I went to Hrunalaug hot spring on Monday, stayed around a farm in a cottage near Vik on Tuesday night, and they started appearing on Wednesday. I did go out in tshirt and shorts a few times throughout the night while I was in Vik so that might have been where I got bitten by midges if that’s the case. I also left the window open for an extended period though not overnight.
It flared up extremely badly enough for me to wake up early on Thursday morning. I took antihistamine in the evening and there are no new bites when I woke up on Friday morning and I feel like they’ve calmed down a bit.
We have also checked all our clothing in our luggages but can’t find any hint of a bedbug. There were also no blood marks on the sheets but I only noticed after I checked out so I couldn’t perform a thorough bed check.
I’m taking steroid cream, antihistamine and antibiotics prescribed by the doctor and I can only monitor for any new bites
if anyone is able to identify my condition it would be helpful. I headed to /r/bugbites but it seems like a dead sub and /r/bedbugs doesn’t accept bite mark posts.
Thank you to those who replied in my original post. I didn’t reply all but I read everyone’s comment, and some of them really helped lift my spirits after a downer of a day.
Anyway, this is a PSA to all coming to stay covered even though there are no mosquitoes, other insects are still around. Maybe less so in winter as it’s coming but you never know.