Fan returning after 2 decades.
As the title implies, I've recently come back to WWE last December after probably 2 decades away. Around 2004 I just stopped watching. I was entering middle and high school and just got swept up by other things. I checked back in for a raw every few years when it happened to be on but that's it. Late last year I was bored with everything on TV so I started rewatching WWE from 1996. I was enjoying seeing all those moments again so much I started watching the current product. 8 months later of watching both eras simultaneously I gotta say... the current product the WWE is producing is easily just as good if not better / more consistent week in and week out. I know a lot of people my age (31) and certainly older bitch and moan that they don't watch anymore because it's not as good as back when. I've been thoroughly entertained by almost every episode of both shows and PLEs I've watched since I came back to it and yes , the attitude and RA eras have tons of iconic moments but they also have a lot of dead weight and hot air. I hope with the netflix switch that they can get a little more loose with the rules and keep this this moment going because I think they're on their way to producing the best product they've ever put out and I'm excited to see it. I just don't see how people are saying how they'll never watch anymore because it can't touch the late 90s and early 00s.
tl;dr - WWE is easily just as good or better now than it has ever been. Stop bitching and enjoy it.