They are NOT the HEELS!

Drew, Kevin, Solo, New Bloodline, they are NOT the heels. Whatever that they do have been forced upon them by the "faces" who aren't the good guys in the first place

Roman already pissed everyone off, he still hasn't apologized to anyone and still treats everyone like trash. Solo actually respects his Bloodline, they all work together and respect each other, it's not forced upon them by Solo. Jey, Jimmy and Zyan very conveniently joined sides with Roman again because in reality they all share that dark side within. Punk said horrendous things about the business and the talent while he was gone, he came back and kept on screwing Drew McIntyre out of that one thing he desperately needed, the World Title. Cody Rhodes, what can I say, every single move since the beginning has been for his own benefit, he never cared about the people supporting him, didn't save Randy from Kevin and teamed up with a guy having almost the same mindset.

What do you guys think (KAYFABE).