PSA...don't fire your PDP without either an optic or the factory plate attached.
Went to the range to zero in my free optic, they had some concrete work done that took longer than they expected to cure, so the only option was shooting 4" steel targets at 25 yards. Not ideal for zeroing a new I just took it off so I could use the irons. After about 10 rounds, I had a failure to eject. Racked the slide a couple times, casing is still in the chamber and the magazine wont release. I then realize that the extractor is nowhere to be found. Upon further evaluation, the extractor, extractor spring, extractor plunger, safety plunger, and safety plunger spring had all removed themselves from the gun. I'm 100% guilty of not reading that part of the manual (I still haven't), but I'd assume that there's something in there that says something along the lines of "dont fire without an optic or the factory plate...." it didn't occur to me that that plate would be holding another part of the gun in place. So don't shoot your pdp without the plate or optic. I was able tonrecover everything but the extractor plunger, but the gun is out of commission until the new part arrives.