Conversions and tournament play: why i do not ask for permission for conversions anymore

For me as a player, competitive play brings me the most joy with converting and assembling models being a good second. I do try to keep it very clear what is what, especially on models that have weapon options. Competitive integrity and clarity for my opponent is important to me. That is also why i sometimes have opted to vet my conversions by TO's before i bring them to tournaments. This is something most TO's offer and encourage where i play, that being Western Europe.

I have found that my conversions, even though the shape of the model is the same as the original and it is clear what weapon is on the model, conversions pretty often get rejected for reasons i find pretty strict. For example, my last rejection was a Razorback with a Twin Heavy Bolter and a Storm Bolter. I made it so the Twin Heavy Bolter was half the Storm Bolter and half the Heavy Bolter, so you kinda have a big gun with a target finding little gun on the side, and made the other gun also look like that, so i had 2 Heavy Bolter/Storm bolter mixes. Shape is totally the same (i used the original model, no parts of other models) and the guns are correct, they are just kinda spread around the model. It was also the only Razorback i fielded so there was also no unclarity on which Razorback was with what. It was rejected because the weapons were incorrect.

However when i went to this event, there were a lot more heavy conversions which were totally allowed. Almost nobody asked permission for conversions, and on the day, not a single model got removed from the table. I think this is good, as it kinda literally kills someone tournament/day if a model gets rejected on the day, but that also really makes me think that it is a good idea to just not ask TO's for permission for conversions anymore as asking it apparently means you are asking for trouble while if you just take it on the day 99% of the time it will be ok. How are other people's experiences with this, idk how the US is on this regarding how accepting TO's are with conversions in competitive events?