Taking a stand as a community
As many of you may know, F4wrd is a squadron who has a fetish for chaos and trolling in the War Thunder community. As leaders of the english-speaking portion Squadron Realistic Events (SRE) community, we have decided that we have a responsibility to do what little we can to draw official attention to their behavior and try to reign in their influence on the community. We were willing to ignore their racism, anti-semitism, trolling, and teamkilling, but the recent sabotage of the CBLT squadron is the last straw.
The leaders of BofSs, OFNIR, OOFNIR, RO6, 1MAW, 2MAW,BTAP,4fG,LPDLS, FLLF, HRVZ, and CBLT are putting F4wrd members on notice: you have one week to leave the squadron and mend fences, or all of the major english-speaking squadrons will consider you banned. You will not be allowed to join any of these squadrons, and we will be checking username and squadron histories for future applicants.We know not all members are bad, but their silent acceptance of this suggests.
We will also be taking to the official forums to pressure Gaijin into taking further actions to ensure this behavior is disciplined, and to work with them to develop frameworks for ensuring this kind of shit doesn't happen again. However competitive we may be, all of us in the SRE community want to do so fairly. There will always be bad actors in any community, especially in online gaming, but we are going to do what we can to reign the bad actors in and let them know we will not put up with their shit.
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If any other squadron commanders also agree to this do let me know in the comments.
please do not harass f4wrd by any means, this is more so they understand that they don't condone and allow what they do which we dont stand for.