Is this what life is like for thin people?

I just started .5 and I’ve been having the strangest experience. Food doesn’t really sound very good to me, which is surprising because, at my highest of 415 pounds, I would literally eat anything and everything. It didn’t matter what it was, as long as it was food.

Now I’m feeling very picky about what I want to eat. In general, the only thing that sounds good is Chipotle. Today I sat down to eat my leftovers from yesterday and, after a few bites, it went from delicious to nauseating. Even looking at it made me feel sick.

I’ve always wondered how skinny people just… Stopped eating. They didn’t have to eat the entire plate of food, and then another plate of food. I wonder if this is how thin and healthy people have always functioned.

I’m not complaining, I’m definitely happy about it. But it was kind of eye-opening for me. I always wondered why I needed to keep eating and eating and eating and eating, while my skinny friends could just stop after a reasonable amount of food at a party or a restaurant.

I’m enjoying the fact that food doesn’t consume my every thought. I love that I don’t have this yawning, endless hunger anymore. I’m excited to finally feel a little bit normal for the first time in my entire life. The weight loss almost feels secondary to the freedom of not feeling like a slave to food.