Okay, the time has come.

Okay, the time has come. I'm a born and raised NY'er, middle class, and the cost to benefit ratio of living in the boroughs is finally getting to me. Even if I have the money to pay 3000 a month for an apartment, it's depressing when you see what it gets you (small apartment, small closets, cramped spaces). At this time I'm working in the center of the Bronx, and I've been considering moving upstate, or anywhere north of the Bronx for that matter. Many of my coworkers live and commute in these areas and have positive things to say. The commute is not so bad with a car and you won't be paying any expensive tolls. So my questions to this community, does anyone have any recommendations or neighborhoods or areas upstate/ north of the city, where I can get the best bang for my buck on a rental (apartment). I'm mostly looking for a 3 bedroom as I have a family (wife and kids). I've looked into Peekskill, but aside from that I don't know other good areas. My budget is somewhere around 2700-3100 a month. If anyone has recommendations it would be much appreciated. Thank you. P.s. I asked my coworkers for recommendations, but most of then are home owners and purchased during COVID when interest rates were looking sweet. So they don't really have much input on renting. But they assured me they love living upstate.