What's your go-to utility cordage?

I like to carry 20-30 feet of cordage in addition to whatever I'm taking for guy lines and hang kit. It's come in handy on literally every trip, from laundry lines to repairs to first aid to temporarily hanging a pack to extra guy outs in bad weather or tight pitch spots and on and on. I've generally used 550 paracord for this which is and OK multitool but heavy. What other cordage do people use? I know there various popular lines out there like Lawson, Zing-it, thinner paracord, but I don't usually see them discussed for this kind of application. It would need to be something lighter than paracord, strong enough for some rugged use, hold a knot, and be cuttable in the field. PS I realize some people do not take any extra cordage at all. HYOH but that's not what I'm asking here.

UPDATE: Thanks all, going to go with Lawson, probably reflective ironwire when it comes back in stock and will report back.