Preparing for the Wednesday March at the capital that every state in the country will be having. Help me pick what my sign should say

Please help me think of a great protest sign and then read this: I dont think protests are the answer but I want to say I was there on the hill at least once before democracy fell. Where were you? What were you doing? Start getting organized, and I mean you reading this. Reach out to your friends and make a phone tree of everyone. What assets do each of you have. Who has more beds and rooms, who has vehicles, who has medicine and the most medically trained, who has what. Dont have anyone? Reach out in your local subreddit and youll find people or Go alone. You're smart, figure it out. Make a plan. Make another one. Make a buggout bag. Not for the zombie apocalypse but for the brain dead nazi fascists coming up your street. Stop posting and venting and get your ass in gear. Making a plan helps with the dread, trust me. Life isn't fair, but it gets closer when we Fight. I know yall ain't taking this sitting down right? Stop complaining about wanting to do something and DO SOMETHING.

From the Undrgr0und in the south, stay safe 🖤

Please help me think of a great protest sign and then read this: I dont think protests are the answer but I want to say I was there on the hill at least once before democracy fell. Where were you? What were you doing? Start getting organized, and I mean you reading this. Reach out to your friends and make a phone tree of everyone. What assets do each of you have. Who has more beds and rooms, who has vehicles, who has medicine and the most medically trained, who has what. Dont have anyone? Reach out in your local subreddit and youll find people or Go alone. You're smart, figure it out. Make a plan. Make another one. Make a buggout bag. Not for the zombie apocalypse but for the brain dead nazi fascists coming up your street. Stop posting and venting and get your ass in gear. Making a plan helps with the dread, trust me. Life isn't fair, but it gets closer when we Fight. I know yall ain't taking this sitting down right? Stop complaining about wanting to do something and DO SOMETHING.

From the Undrgr0und in the south, stay safe 🖤