Maximum Strength Cars
So I decided to upgrade every full-size and wagon car in the game and rate them on a scale of 7.0-8.2, Here is the list.
Hammerhead 7.0 Rocket 7.1 Speedbird 7.1 Sweeper 7.5 Rammer 7.6 Blade 7.7 Hotshot 7.8 Starbeast 7.8 Dominator 7.9 El Matador 7.9 Gatecrasher 7.9 Hornet 7.9 Limo 7.9 Muddigger 7.9 Panther RS 7.9 Rammer RS 7.9 Raven 7.9 Rebelrat 7.9 Roadcutter 7.9 Roadslayer 7.9 Roadslayer GT 7.9 Speedemon 7.9 Super Venom 7.9 Vandal 7.9 Venom 7.9 Warwagon 7.9 Wingman 7.9 Cardinal 8.0 Grand Duke 8.0 Little Thrasher 8.0 Razor 8.0 Wildking 8.0 Hearse 8.1 Bullet 8.2
And thats it. Bullet has maximum strength of all cars in the game. Let me know what you think in the comments below.