Help me find subtle Mulder and Scully moments.
something i've been thinking a lot about is these posts i'd see pop up on Pinterest, right? and it's pointing out al these little subtle MSR moments. it's what i love most about the show, being able to go back and see things and think "oh my gosh, i never noticed that! that's so cute!" however what i failed to realise is that it's difficult to find these moments. (until you start seeing there's lots in every episode lol.) i only ever got two Pinterest posts about it and never found any others. one of them pointed out a moment in s4 where Mulder says to Scully, "i know what you're worried about. i'm afraid of the same thing." and Scully replies with, "the doctor said i'm going to be fine."
it would be great if everyone could comment below one of these subtle moments that you've noticed, if you have noticed any! if anybody's doing a rewatch at the moment like i am, keep an eye-out for some too. if you notice any cute nods to Mulder and Scully's relationship (this doesn't need to be words) come comment them here! i'd love to see what everyone picks up on :)