Xreal one screen sizes

So I just got my xreal ones and upon opening them I tried them with the first thing to hand my iPhone.

Now at first I had an issue with them turning off but firmware update fixed that.

Now after a few mins of faffing around I was able to get the setup I wanted which was placing a screen kinda under my main tv in anchor mode (when I play atm on my legion or portable monitor I just like having the option to look up at what’s happening on the tv)

So I plugged the device into my legion go and I simply can’t achieve the same result as the screen will always be too big.

Now if I do side view I can get a small screen but it’s way smaller than I want and obv up and off to the side which isn’t what I’m going for. The issue seems to be the claimed screen size when plugged into the legion is some insane claimed size like 300 odd but when it’s plugged into iPhone it says it’s a smaller size (despite looking the same size) so when I apply distance to make it smaller the iPhone actually gets down to like 1/3 of the default size where as the legion even going to 10m doesn’t even get to half the default size.

Is this just a limitation of the device atm where you are going to have more flexibility with the sizing of your screen on some devices vs others (which I’m hoping would change in future updates)