Random likes and dislikes

Likes :

Diana. I LOVE her. She is the best thing about Younger. Lights up every scene. Cannot look at anyone else when she is there. What a character. I was happy to know that she won award /nomination for this.

Outfits. Really like some of the outfits worn by characters. Though the fashion is like 10 years old, some classics seem relevant even now.

All the book discussions. As a reader, I love the fact that this show is about books.

Homage to real life characters and Easter eggs. Like the Game of Thrones series based Crown of King. Or the tech genius Bryce based on Zuckerberg referring to Zuch as "old man Zuckerberg." The Asian writer reminding me of Marie Kondo.

The fact that ultimately Liza always has her one true love - her Work. She never loses focus on Work. While oscillating between Josh and Charles, she remained focused on Empirical. That's what a woman who had been a SAHM during her prime years would do when given a second chance in life.

Dislikes :

Some of the sex stuff is just gross. Like that Sebastian thing (Eww) and some stuff that Maggie is upto.

Some braids and other hairstyles that Liza and Kelsey display are too girly/kind of over the top for a professional. I mean Liza is still assistant but Kelsey is not and the girly pigtails look weird on her.

Liza loves Caitlin but she seems too laid back for a SAHM mom. Like usually mothers are more controlling than that. (Like Claire from Modern Family!)