A thought about crypto investment

From someone with a brief history on investment: crypto is not something you can call an investment, I know I sound old fashioned but always remember an investment must first protect the capital and secondly offer an adequate return on the capital: you have no way of assessing the value of a crypto as compared to a house , land , a business "stock". It's funny how people go investing in forex and crypto when they have no real medium of valuing such things .

If you wanted to buy a car it's very easy to assess it's market value based on it's model and functionality; better yet if you find someone selling it at a discounted value in relation to prevailing market prices it will be deemed a good buy. Imagine a nice Toyota Fortuner with a market value of let's say k350,000 going for k250,000 that's a definite good buy because I can sale it tomorrow for even k290,000 and profit a k40,000 now imagine having a dozen of those deals you will surely profit . The same analytical mental attitude works when you either buying a house , a cow or a businesses.

The question then remains, how are you going to value the cheapness or expensiveness of a crypto or forex instrument when you have no underlying value for it other than it's current market price ? It is possible to give an estimate of the value of land in Lusaka in the next 5years as compared to a crypto currency or the kwacha .