Boyfriend strangled me

My bf (23) and I (21) got into an argument because I confronted him for always watching football when he’s with me and not actually spending time together without distractions . He wasn’t listening and kept shouting at me that I’m creating something out of nothing. I walked away and he grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I told him to let me go and he kept shouting at me. Then I forcefully pushed him off of me and it happened all so fast he grabbed my neck and then pushed me across the wall. He had me held against the wall and said I shouldn’t speak to him like that again. I was so scared and couldn’t stop crying and begging him to get his hands of my neck I felt like I could not breathe it was the scariest thing I have experienced, I was using all my power to get his hands off neck but couldn’t until he decided. I am in complete shock, after it happened I went back to sitting next to him which was so stupid but I was so scared to even ask him for the key to let me out and we have not spoken about it since and this happened 2 weeks ago. I have acted like it never happened but I can’t get my mind off of this I haven’t been able to eat properly or sleep

I dont know what to do he hasn’t shown this violent behaviour before