is detransition worth it?
i’m a 23 year old mtf that has been on hrt (no surgery yet) for almost 5 years and i’ve been thinking about detransitioning. while i pass for the most part, i’m 5’10 and have masculine facial features (mainly my brow bone and nose) which causes me to get clocked even by the average cis person. worrying about how i’m perceived by others and putting in extra effort to assimilate with other cis women my age via heat styling my hair, self tanner, lash extensions/lifts/false lashes, etc. is mentally exhausting me and taking a toll on my mental health.
to me, hrt feels like a bandaid over the bullet hole. i desperately want to become the opposite sex, or at least something that resembles it, and while i do have softer skin and facial features, breasts, female fat distribution, etc. i still carry around masculine facial features and a deeper than average voice that reminds me that i will always be born male, and it’s making me question if transition is worth it at all. any advice?