Porn addiction, a silent killer

Porn addiction is very real, becoming very common and is still overlooked by many people(probably because we're almost all addicted to it to some degree)

Some negatives unique to porn addiction:

Exposure at a young age. The average age for a first porn viewing is 13, most people started long before then. That means kids who don't even know what sex is, or relationships, or life necessarily are already exposed to a ton of sexual images, fetishes, kinks etc. Not to mention social media being a barely regulated soft porn melting pot( This counters the argument that porn helps you explore your sexuality, this would be true if people started watching porn at age 25. It doesn't help explore fantasies, it instills fantasies, fetishes and kinks into developing minds long before most have had any sexual experience.

Seeking of novelty. Your first time watching porn, you can probably get off to something very vanilla(doesn't even have to be a nude or a video necessarily) but if you don't control yourself, you are bound to keep going down the rabbithole, potentially ending up in morally wrong, disgusting and or illegal territory. It's a slow process of seeking novelty, the novelty becoming the norm, and seeking more extreme novelty to achieve the same level of pleasure as at first. This also impacts relationships, why settle for one partner when you have an endless stream of models to fill your every craving.

Feelings of guilt and shame, unparalleled with other addictions. The further down the rabbit hole you go, the more guilt and shame you will feel. Making it ever increasingly difficult to seek help. Couple that with a general ignorance of this addiction and thousands of articles claiming porn is healthy and beneficial, it is no surprise that most porn addicts suffer in silence.

There are many more, to name the benefits of porn? I honestly can't think of any, it is a dirty industry filled with sex trafficking, exploration and perversion. Porn takes away your soul, your energy and your desire for relationships(A quick bit of research and you will find countless marriages and relationships torn apart due to porn use)

I made a short video about my struggles with porn addiction, check it out if you are struggling with porn or any addiction for that matter:

God bless and good luck to you all, whatever it is you are fighting.