Am I the only non-self-loather?
I found this sub about a week ago and made a username just to participate. This won't be a popular comment but I'm honestly shocked at how judgmental many of the comments are. I wouldn't have guessed that was the case initially. For example, someone posted 'We ALL suck' and frankly, it seems like that person is projecting their own image of themselves (and guilt) onto the rest of us. Another poster was upset that her new AP's wife recently had a baby and someone commented 'so a bigger dirtbag than you?' That got upvotes. Yet another poster mentioned they were married to a nice guy and immediately everyone piled on that she needed to divorce ASAP. It didn't matter she was not attracted to him.
Everyone here has their own reasons for seeking out an AP so it surprises me how quick people are to judge. I feel fortunate, I've never had an AP that thought I sucked or am a dirtbag nor did it occur to me to think that of them.
Just an observation.