I'm always the "other man" offering advice and giving a different perspective than what you get from most posts

I've been single for most of my life. I have somewhat of a fetish for sleeping with married women. I'm sure there will be a lot of hate mail but sometimes you can learn more from an enemy than a friends. It's manifested itself in many ways, sometimes it's with woman in open relationships, sometimes they are cheating, sometimes working with husbands that fantasize about their wife cheating and me hitting on the wife. What I have found is getting in a married woman panties is both easier and takes less times than a single woman.

So why am I posting here? I'm not trying to aggravate people that have been cheating on. But I can give an interesting perspective for anybody that wants to hear it. What I find, trends, and why women cheat. One example is I always ask afterwards if she feels guilty for what just happened. Just about every single time her reply is, "no surprisingly not at all." I can also tell you most women say it's made their marriage much better. I have never believed in monogamy and believe it's just a way to control people's natural desires. I do however believe in marriage and I think often people end a marriage because they believe monogamy is the only option. I've even been with a handful of women that were on the brink of asking for a divorce and after some good out of the marriage sex they realize they can stay in an otherwise good marriage if they can get sex somewhere else.

Two last thoughts. 1) If you want to give me hate mail for this it will fall on def ears. 2) I first messaged a moderator to get permission to post this.