Full disclosure

I’ve searched posts about honesty and transparency in this sub and whilst we base this life on deceit, does it mean we shouldn’t be open and transparent with our affair partners?

I’ve just found out my LDAP is actually in a relationship which I didn’t even know about. When I’ve called him out, cue long ranting text that states yes I had been upfront about MY marriage but he’s not beholden to me and his relationships are none of my business. He completely misses the point I’m making. For OPSEC and multiple reasons we both need to know each other’s situation.

I don’t think what I’d said was unreasonable in terms of communication and expectations but things that he threw back felt quite hurtful. He said he now needed to say goodbye, he didn’t want to be in ‘this sort of relationship’ with me anymore. He’d hope we could be friends again in the future but going by my ‘judgemental’ tone, I might not even want that. JFC, arrogant much.