AF officer experience questions

Hey I am a female interested in joining. I don't come from a military family and don't have any friends in it so I don't know much about any part of it, but I want to serve.

I already go to the gym a lot, I want a sense of community, and all the benefits too.

Can someone explain the process of getting a job/ what it means to have one. You take an aptitude exam right? then you choose between a few jobs?

Will you always be doing said job, even if we get into war or will you be transferred right into combat? Are there any jobs less likely to for-see combat?

As far as I am aware we aren't in any huge wars right now, what exactly do the airplane mechanics do? what is day to day life like? how often are you moved around?

as a woman, how often do they go into combat in comparison to male counterparts?

I actually have am halfway done with a bachelors in optical engineering. If possible, I want to work in their laser laboratory-(any experiences with that?) But I would be more than ok with being a 2A/2M. Anything mechanical/ fixing stuff sounds interesting.

anything will help , I dont need any snarky replies I know I am ignorant already. dont tell me to just become an engineer at lockeed martin either pls.

Trd: tell me about your day to day life, if it changes often, your year to year life. Also tell me about the beginning of your service. Whats it like?