One year sober

1/24/24 was the first night i walked into an AA meeting. I had spent the night before drunk off my ass, fighting with my wife, and shoving my then-12-year-old around for no real reason other than what i perceived to be something more than a trivial misunderstanding. I looked up a meeting in my town and tried to go, but the information was old and the meeting wasn’t happening. I started to head home, relieved that i wouldn’t have to face my problems, when something spoke to me and made me look up another meeting site. I walked in 15 minutes late and took a seat. I listened to the discussion for a bit before in stood up and introduced myself for the first time. I shared what had happened the night before, i shared where i had been and what had brought me to this place, i shared my fears about speaking, i shared my fears about where my life was heading, and then i shared my name. My name is Kyle, and I am an Alcoholic.

It has not been an easy year, but it has been a positive year. I have come close to slipping up plenty of times, but with the support of my circle, i have made it to this one year anniversary. Everyone’s path to sobriety is different. What works for one person might not work for another. I have found my path, and I am walking it one day at a time. Some may consider it unconventional, some may say I am not truly following the spirit of AA. I don’t have a sponsor and I have not worked the steps. I attend meetings because i enjoy surrounding myself with people who have been through what i have. Sharing stories of our mistakes and sharing stories of our successes is what keeps me going. I am not alone in this struggle.

Some may say the group is my Higher Power. Perhaps you are right. But, just like anything else, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to sobriety. Whatever i am doing is working. I am not looking for anyone to debate the rightness or wrongness of my approach, save it for another day. Today is about a celebration of my first year of sobriety.

Thank you for letting me share.