SERIOUS: If us humans have deliberately downed their craft, captured the occupants, autopsied and experimented on them, used psionics to ask for craft to land and then haul it off to hidden bases and reverse engineered their tech then why are they not stopping it from happening?

Hi all, long-time lurker, and apologies if what's in my title isn't 100% accurate - there is A LOT of information on this subject, some of which contradicts the other but I think what is there covers what I've been reading over the years and more recently.

As per the title, I just don't understand so wondered what your thoughts were on the subject. I've read that there are multiple races of NHI, some friendly, some not. They may also have bases in our oceans or come here inter-dimensionally, more recently that the craft is alive (so to speak) and the occupants I suppose kind of like a puppet but I don't know why us scummy humans (those who want the power) are not being stopped from doing what they are doing.

I read something that said we'd fired microwave weapons at their craft to disable them. I've seen fake/real alien autopsy videos, we have retrieved bodies (alive and dead) with craft which I would imagine have been fully experimented on. We've probably tricked them, we've probably done all sorts yet there doesn't seem to be any kind of retaliation to slap us and make us stop.

For context, by 'us' I don't mean the large majority of the human race, just those that want the power and the tech.