Andor - so fucking prescient for today

I fell madly in love with Andor because of how masterfully crafted the story of fascism is told. It's a fucking masterpiece.

Now, today, after recent world events (and the US election), I'm feeling all sorts of complex emotions about the world affairs. And with regards to this forum, I see that this forum draws democrats, socialists, conservatives alike. We all share the same values!!!!!! I feel like we as a group need to start pushing our personal views out into the world as strongly as possible. The world needs to hear our collective voices, desperately.

I've started doing my part, and am inspired by another post in this sub from a veteran coast guard member, who is a conservative, but understands the American values we all share - and ended their post with the quote on the bottom of the Statue of Liberty "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..."

The recent democratic nonimees for Prez/VP said something very wise, which caught me off guard - "We have forgotten who we (Americans) are. We just simply need to remember." It shook me because as soon as they said it, I realized I had also forgotten.