Looking to hire some help

I'm learning to make an app using kotlin+compose. I'm stuck on something and I'd like to find someone who can help me out. I'll be willing to pay $50/hr for your time.

I'm trying to make a simple notifications, but when I push the button to show the notification I get a nullPointer exception. I've tried rewriting the code using 5 different guides and I always get the same result.

You can see the relevant code in the screenshot.

WaterApplication.kt overrides onCreate() and creates a notification channel

then back to MainActivity, I call NavigationDrawer() and then add a button to the screen. NavigationDrawer() puts a bunch of stuff on the screen that shouldn't have anything to do with the current problem.

The button calls the function in WaterNotificationServices.kt to show the notification, but when I push the button I get a nullPointer exception and it crashes.

Once I get past this nullPointer exception I'd like to move that button down inside NavigationDrawer()

It's 11:30PM and I'm giving up for the day, I'll write back to any responses I get tomorrow morning.
