Can y’all Recommend some anime for my sister?

My sister is not into anime and has no interest in watching it, but I’m going to have her watch one or two with me depending on how much she gets into it. I also have a whole week where she is available so maybe we can watch like 1 a day.

The only anime she has watched is the Lord of the rings movie that recently came out in theaters and she actually was tearing up over it

one of the reasons she doesn’t like anime is because they over sexualize women and I agree, but anime is still good none the less. So any recommendations of anime that isn’t too revealing of women, but still has a good story. Oh and even horror recommendations are on the table because she’s loves that stuff

It’s just I don’t have anyone to watch anime with so I want to make a good impression with what she watches. she is 20 for those who’ve been asking