Question; being told to lie and falsely lower employee review scores-meaning these employees aren’t getting their fair and earned pay because of this-illegal, right?
Let’s say I know someone whose company specifically told managers to “knock down” scores for employee reviews.
Lower scores, (remember, falsely knocked down, so people are not being given the rating they deserve), means people aren’t getting the pay raises and promotions they earn.
This has to be illegal, right? The company goes to great pains to NOT put these orders into email or other text form so there isn’t a paper trail I assume.
Guess what? The CEO, and other higher ups get bonuses. And these people rotate out every few years. So if not as many people are getting their earned pay raises the higher up positions making this disgusting decision are taking home larger bonuses.
It’s theft. Plain and simple.
But I would like to know if;
It is actually illegal. It seems like a form of wage theft to me.
Exactly which law is it breaking?