Anyone 1500+ mmr willing to play?

Hello everyone, I start playing this game almost 2 months ago, managed to hit diamond 2 last day(1300mmr) but today I lost 5 games one more lose Im in plat 3. (1206mmr)

It seems I either forgot to play or I just got better opponents ,I think luck is big factor when it comes to climbing, on my way from plat 3 to diamond 2 I always got plat 1-2-3, now im getting diamond 1,2,3 or plat 3 players who were d2-conq 1 this season. I am overwhelmed with actions and can't decide the best move and usually I got outnumbered with army. Cant find good entrance with knights to idle or kill villagers because walls/spears.

Would be great if someone who is more skillful than me give me few hours of his time to play few games and give me insight what should I be doing. I aam playing only French in solo ranked. If anyone is up to help a brother boost his skill give me ur name here or send pm and Ill add.

Since I created this topic I would like to ask few things overall.

  1. How do you counter byz fast castle with their knights as a French?
  2. When to make trading landmark as a French? When map and trading centre is in good position and when I play against boom civ? Or?
  3. For all conq players how did you improve the m