I think i found out something abt Vi

okay so y'all know that Vi has a VI tat on her cheek. so my mum looked up for the VI (6th) tarot major arcana (arcane in french lol) and well, it was the love one. at first I didn't think it was THAT relevant, but then I thought a bit more abt it and maybe it's cuz >! Caitlyn and Vi end up together !< ? plus maybe that has nothing to do with it, but V and I kinda look like a bow and its arrow, and Vi's main colour is pink/magenta, which can make think of love. also, the reality in wich one Powder and Ekko are together, Vi's dead, so maybe this is also linked. anyway, I'm not good at making theories 😭🤧

any feedback/thoughts on this is appreciated! :))

sorry for eventual bad English :,)