r/Arc'teryx Monthly Sales Thread 05/01/2024

The moderators of r/arcteryx take NO responsibility for the buying, selling or trading in this thread or sub.


  • Sale posts must start with WTS
  • Trade posts must start with WTT
  • Buy posts must start with WTB
  • Sale/trade posts must start with WTSoT
  • Proxy posts must start with PROXY


  • Note your location (state and country)
  • Note your shipping requirements (FTF only, US only, worldwide, etc)
  • Note your payment requirements (Paypal, Money order, etc)
    • BE SMART! Know the limitations on Paypal F&F/Western union MOs, etc
  • Note the product Name, Size, and Condition.
    • A note of provenance is helpful ("Purchased from Moosejaw in 2013", etc)
  • Post pictures! The more the better. Include the tags and photos of any known wear areas.
  • Post your price or trade requirements.
  • WTS posts MUST include a price. This is not an auction site. Haggling can be done through PMs but not in the comments.
  • Update the thread when an item is SPF (Sold Pending Funds) and then SOLD.


  • Post questions about the item in the thread. The answers can help other potential buyers.
  • Be honest about your intentions. If you post "I'll take it!" be ready to move forward with the price and payment method agreed upon.
  • Keep all personal information to PMs. Don't DOX yourself or the seller!!
  • BE SMART! Know the risks of PayPal F&F, Western Union MOs, etc.
  • Post in the thread once your receive the item!


  • All of the advice above applies (which location are you in, where is the item you want to get).
  • Proxies are very, very much at your own risk. We cannot make guarantees.
  • You are probably even less covered by buyer protections than a normal online transaction. Determine your risk accordingly.
  • There are numerous services that fulfill this need, especially for large countries. Look into those as well.
  • If you fund somebody to proxy, update your comment to reflect that, and then when you have received the item.

For a nicer shopping experience

Try out u/Ramisugar 's site to browse the gear that's being offered with images! If you click on the listing, it will link you to the reddit comment that's associated to it. Linked here: https://gedd.it/r/arcteryx