Question about "Resolving" vs. "Revealing" tokens for the purposes of triggering card effects
This question came up specifically relating to parallel Father Mateo. He can seal Bless tokens on investigators, and the second part of his ability states: "When an investigator would reveal a chaos token: Resolve the [Bless] token sealed on them instead. Release that token."
My question: does "resolving" in this case count as "revealing" the Bless token for the purposes of using cards such as Blessed Blade (0), Beloved, etc. that say something like "If a [Bless] token is revealed ..."?
(Bonus: I assume it definitely would not work to trigger Jacob Morrison, who states "After a [Bless] token is revealed from the chaos bag ...")
Some arguments:
Favor of the Sun says "Resolve a token sealed here instead, as if it were just revealed from the chaos bag". Mateo doesn't have that "as if" clause.
Tokens are revealed during ST.3 of the skill test timing and resolved during ST.4, so that suggests that "resolve" happens after "reveal", so the Bless token was never revealed and you don't get the benefits of revealing it, only resolving it (so, just +2)? EDIT: I'm now questioning this. Rules for Bless tokens are: "[Bless] tokens revealed during a skill test have the following effects: +2. Reveal another token. Instead of returning this token to the chaos bag, return it to the token pool." That seems to imply that a Bless token that is not revealed doesn't do anything at all ... so the token "resolved" by Mateo's ability must also be effectively "revealed" in order to do anything???
There is no entry for "resolve" (for chaos tokens) that I could find in the Rules Reference. I know there are FAQs about revealing and cancelling for Olive McBride, etc., but in that case you definitely reveal all of them (then pick one to resolve and others to cancel) so it's not quite answering my question.
The Rules Ref entry for "Instead" says: "If a replacement effect that uses the word "would" changes the nature of a triggering condition, the original triggering condition is replaced with the new triggering condition. No further abilities referencing the original triggering condition may be used." So it sounds like the condition that would, e.g., trigger extra damage on Blessed Blade (0) ("When an investigator would reveal a chaos token") is completely replaced with the new condition ("Resolve the [Bless] token")?
All that suggests that you don't get benefits of revealing a [Bless] from || Mateo, only resolving them (EDIT: but what are these benefits? The rules for Blesses only refer to revealing them). This IMO makes his ability a bit lacklustre if he can only hand out +2s (EDIT: but can he?? See edit note above) and not trigger Bless-reveal effects, so I wanted to see if I was missing something. There are some uncertain/conflicting answers on the arkhamdb and BoardGameGeek pages. What do you all think?