A message to Syrian Armenians

I´m a Syrian sunni from Aleppo and I grew up near the armenian quarter of the old city. I As most of you know, Armenians were forced to go on death marches in Deir ez zour (eastern Region of Syria) and many tried to escape their genocide by fleeing to nearby cities like Aleppo and Beirut. Armenains would then become very established communities here and honestly very respected and loved by most in Syria and Lebanon. Ever since the start of the conflict in Syria many Syrian Armenians fled to Armenia or to Europe/US, even my childhood best friend. I also left Syria. Now why am I telling you all of this ? It´s because in Aleppo or other cities like Beirut and Damascus we have always had coextince and loved eachother, wether Arab or armenian, christian or muslim. Estimates claim that there used to be over 100 thousend Armenians here and understandably many left. But now that I think about it, no other community has been affected as our chistians, especially the armenians, since assad bombed the shit out of the Armenian quarter, killing many. I hope we´ll all see peace one day and i wish Armenians the best. I hope that all Syrian Armenians who were displaced can return to Syria one day, because Aleppo without the Armenians is not really Aleppo.