Ramstein BX should do something about scalpers/resellers
Before I begin. I realize that Pokemon really isn’t a big deal. You don’t have to say “bro, it’s just cards.” I understand.
It is, however, a hobby that makes Soldiers and their families happy. It’s something that barracks Soldiers can do when stationed overseas away from their family and loved ones. It’s something that military kids can do when they’re ripped away from their home and follow their parents overseas.
The fact that the shelves are completely bare because a couple overweight, unshowered, greasy, stank ass, dorks can walk in with a shopping cart and buy everything off the shelf is absolutely wild. Even more wild is that on Thursday mornings the normal people are in uniform and waiting to buy a single box. The “people” buying to resell are out of shape, in sweats on a work day, and have carts ready to clear the shelves.
The PX is there to support Service Members, not as a method for these “people” to make a quick buck from taking away from service members, their kids, and their families.
It’s a small thing, but it’s assholes stealing joy from Service Members and kids at the end of the day. It’s also a bigger problem in the civilian world, but I don’t think civilian stores owe anything to the public.
The PX does owe something to Service Members.
Fix the problem.
Either limit the amount of an item someone can purchase, or ban unshowered people from making purchases. Either would be effective, for this specific problem. I think the first one is probably more fair though.