Looking for D&D Player Who Can Join Bimonthly Wednesday Campaign
Hey all! I'm a DM running a homebrew D&D 5E campaign every other Wednesday at 6pm.
My group is looking for 1-2 new players who can commit to this time slot. It's been hard to find friends whose schedules allow them to join game nights in the middle of the week. In fact, our original group were all Asheville Reddit recruits for this reason, though we've lost and gained a couple players over time due to moving/schedule changes. Our game night schedule has been consistent for about 2 years- every other Wednesday at 6pm.
As the DM, I need players who are vaccinated and covid-safe (or just generally cautious about sickness and germs). It's not as big a deal as it was when I recruited our group two years ago, but I'm asthmatic with a history of pneumonia and still trying to be careful. If you're sick on game night, you gotta stay home.
Our group is at level 8 (landmark, not XP) and we need someone to play a healer. We currently have a rogue, a barbarian, and a wizard.
The game take place on a ship crossing an ocean.
Game Hook: The Churning Sea is a vast ocean full of incredible storms, massive whirlpools, and full of countless sea monsters. For two millennia the Churning Sea has been utterly impassible, unmapped and unexplored. Some months ago, there was a change. The millennia long storms, whirlpools, and fleets of monsters have begun to subside. The sea has been relatively calm for the first time in living history.
The Aedris Empire in the north seems to know something about what caused the change. High King Behani Oppius has called for adventurers to venture out into the Churning Sea to recover four ancient artifacts- four “Ocean Jewels” or “Jewels of the Churning Sea” and bring them to the capitol of Aedris. These jewels are said to be scattered throughout the strange and uncharted Churning Sea, and each has powerful magic. Rumor has it that these magical jewels have something to do with why the sea stopped churning, but no one knows how or why.
Reward: A parcel of land with a Barony, a very rare magic item, and 500,000gp PER JEWEL COLLECTED.
Our group has only had two sessions set in this new campaign arc, so you'd be joining early in the story. The party has booked passage on a small/medium sized vessel called the Gravegale to explore the Churning Sea. The party is competing against other adventurers to find the jewels first.