Anyone else slightly triggered by the fires happening in LA right now?
Obviously it’s not happening to us, and I don’t want to make it about myself but seeing people’s posts about how scared they are, sharing the fire maps to keep others aware of where it’s spreading, that people’s homes are just gone…I cant help but feel really sad for them because I understand this fear and uncertainty. Obviously ours was different but still very damaging and tragic. Just kind of reopens the wound of that anxiety and fear that we all had to go through at the height of everything. I feel so bad for them and I hope that the worst of it is able to slow down so they can catch their breath. Also I know it’s LA and so of course they’re getting lots of media attention, which I’m still slightly resentful that we didn’t, but still it’s just really fucking sad. I’m so tired of these “once in a thousand years” storms/weather events.