What are ur guys thoughts on vaping (nicotine)? What’s worse for your health cigarettes or vape?

I feel like our generation gonna drop like flies in a couple decades. I’m 25 and I noticed that only ppl around my age are vaping. Even the younger kids do not vape. When I was in highschool everyone had one so even if u didn’t vape you’d get offered a hit Everytime u went to the bathroom. Now I think the younger kids are being smarter and know this shit is prolly horrible for u. Do you guys think vaping is gonna cause serious health issues in the future? I can’t stop nicotine for the life of me. I’ve been vaping for almost 10 years and I just recently switched to cigarettes because I’m so disgusted by how much juice I’ve been inhaling everyday. I know they’re both bad for you but desdass cannot stop. So which one do u think is better for your health in the long run? Also don’t suggest patches or gum because i think im more addicted to the act of smoking rather than just nicotine alone.

Edit: thank u everyone for sharing. This is my 3rd day without a vape and yesterday I smoked about 6 cigarettes all of em before 5pm. It is extremely cold where I live especially once it’s dark. I started to get a lot of anxiety as I was tryna sleep without nic. This morning I woke up fine still haven’t smoked a cigarette and I been up for a couple hours. Idk how many times I can edit a post but I’ll let u guys know how I feel after a week. My goal is to stop nic all together but for now I definitely don’t wanna buy a vape and I’ll keep the cigarettes for times that I really need it.