Is “yt” not common slang?

Someone got mad at me for saying this and tbh, I’m lost. Any insight would be appreciated

More context that might be needed:

((Edit to clarify- I am NOT saying anyone says “yt” IRL, just as people don’t say “IRL” IRL but it’s still said over the internet))

We were speaking on the racist use of “blacks” today - Person A says “NO ONE says whites, it’s white people, it’s black people. It’s not hard to not dehumanize people”

I pointed out I have technically seen yts/ YTs as it’s common internet slang, but it’s impossible to dehumanize us (I’m white) on race alone anyways. I continue to explain I’ve seen other white people in comment sections get extremely angry saying “yt” is a slur and they clapped back with “blacks”, so maybe that’s partially why it’s spiked recently - they’re just babies trying to get some sympathy points, acting like they’re equally oppressed, you know, the whole “if you can do it, I can too or you’re racist” mindset.

This person gets mad at me, saying they’re “not babies they just can’t read a room, and we’re NOT speaking on AAVE” so there’s no reason to bring that up (which I honestly didn’t expect at all) THEN someone Black (Person B) steps in and argues “yt” is not common slang. I’ve seen it so much, I kinda just assumed it was.

I genuinely thought this was an interesting insight, but person B was in agreeance with person A, so I think I might’ve overstepped? I honestly feel really stupid