Why are parts store employees so braindead?

Every time I go into a parts store I leave with higher blood pressure than when I got there. The 3 most irritating times that come to mind right away was once I was looking for a distributor wrench at O'Reillys, I told the kid behind the counter what I needed and he responded "how are you gonna take a distributor out with a wrench?" Like, how else am I gonna take it out, you knucklehead? I ended up leaving empty handed since clearly this kid has never worked on a car in his life and couldn't even order a set for me.

A separate time at an auto zone this time, I was looking for fuel tank straps for my car, and the guy behind the counter insisted the car only had one strap, as one strap was showing up on his computer. I told him it has 2 straps, as I had just taken them off and there definitely wasn't 1. He argued with me for 10 minutes before I just left.

Most recent time at a different O'Reilly, I was looking for 5/16 fuel hose, and the guy first asked me "what is it you're trying to do?" What difference does it make?! Just sell me when I need so I can get out of this hell hole. Then he told me that 5/16 fuel hose doesn't exist, and he can only get me vacuum hose. If 5/16 fuel hose doesn't exist, what's your store doing selling 5/16 fuel filters??

Every time I get parts I feel like hank hill at the mega-lo-mart. Is this a nationwide issue or just in my town?