What are some signs a guy likes a girl? (Specifically more of a shy guy.)
Hi everyone. I hope you are all doing well.
So, right now I have a crush on this guy in my engineering class, and I have had this crush since the beginning of the school year. First semester we had 3 classes together and now this semester we only have one, which is engineering. He seems like more of a shy person, especially around girls, due to the fact that he only talks to his friends. Yet he still knows a lot of people, if this makes sense. Throughout the year, we haven't talked much, only a sentence here and there, and its always about something in class. Except, there has been a lot of eye contact moments throughout the year. It's not like it's happened only once or twice, it is actually quite frequent. A more notable moment was when he asked me a question about engineering when I was halfway across the room, and his friend was right next to him and he could have asked him instead of me. Also, he does not have any social media and before the school year ends, I'd like to have his number, so I still have to figure that out. We are both in golf, so in the spring, (Late April, due to me living in Minnesota) when the golf course opens I'll see him around the golf course more, so I may have to ask him for his number after golf one night.
So, if anyone could let me know if any of these are signs that he may be interested, or let me know of some other signs to look for (keeping in mind we don't talk much at this point) or even give me advice on how to get his number, I would appreciate it so much!