my boyfriend(31M)'s jealousy really bugs me(28F). how to handle such situation?
my boyfriend(31M) and I(28F) have been dating over 3 years how.
I know if he didn't love me he wouldn't be crazy jealous so on some level I am flattered
also I know all animals exhibit some sort of mate guarding behavior so I know it's instinctual and he just can't help it sometimes
but I have a job and social life too and I am going to have to keep interacting with my male colleagues and other men in social situation whether he likes it or not
he just hates seeing me interacting with any kind of men and try to be very controlling in social situations
and he hates me talking about any kind of men especially when I want to complain about some problem at work that involves other male colleagues
the problem is that I love him but his controlling, jealous behavior and expressions really bugs me
any thoughts on how to handle this situation?