Best places to move to if project 2025 happens

Best places to emigrate to if US & Canada implode

I'm not even good with geography, let alone geopolitics and global socioeconomy etc. and I've read a lot of really contradictory things effectively specifying the generalization that every place has it's flaws (that most first world places are experiencing similar regressive resurgence in right wing rhetoric/policy/leadership infiltration even gd Germany who you'd think would be pretty flinchy about it, very progressive countries are also full of their own weirdly oppressive nonsense, violent crime poorly prevented/policed and punished, etc.)

It would be really, really nice, as I'm drowning in research that's confusing me more rather than clarifying things, to have people vastly more worldly and educated explain in layman's terms some things for the rest of us, because we may all need this info before long.

Such as:

Countries with reasonable ease of immigration, American/Canadian/English speaking friendliness, room (job, housing, citizenship/healthcare wise) for immigrants, religious freedom, progressive and relatively uncorrupt politics, not war torn or rife with especially dangerous: social issues (rioting, militia, trafficking, terrorism, rampant violebt crime/drug cartels, ect.) or dire polution or natural/weather features. Basically places you can actually get into, live not inherently loathed, and not be dealing with the same or worse than you ran fled.

Realistic preparations for planning, saving/$ needed, travel, utilizing systems once there, etc.

How difficult leaving at all may be depending on how bad things are..

Anything you've thought of that I haven't or have forgotten trying to read up on all this shit 🤦‍♀️ honestly someone should write a guide and distribute the fuck out of it.

Huge thanks to any and all willing to use and capable of using their knowledge and time to help others 🫡💖