Some dumbass really tried to use "Logic" to prove God exists and has blessed me.
So i commented on some christian comment on youtube about a car wreck i got into last night (he makes Ned Flanders from simpsons look athiest💀). I'll just paste the transcript
Me: God loves us? I was in an accident last night, bozo. I'm fine but he probably doesn't to me lol.
The other dude: Sheesh. Well, i know god does and has blessed you with the fact that you're safe.
Me: So being in a wreck that might have hurt me or worse if the truck didn't veer into the ditch and now having no car for my daily 25 minute commute is "blessed"? Thank your god for the major inconvience i'm gonna go through. Because damn, all the insurance and legal stuff is gonna be pretty hectic. Not so thoughtful, now is it?
The other dude: Well let me ask you this, did you want a new car at the time?
Me: I mean, i wanted something with more better acceleration but that's not the fucking point.
The other dude: Well there you have it. He listened to your wants and you now have the opportunity to get a new car. Read Matthew 7:7
Me: BUT NOT LIKE THIS! Couldn't it have been possible to get a new car without totaling my truck and also hurting my damn chest from the impact? Plus this truck had sentimental value. This was my graduation gift. i haven't driven it for even a half year.
The other dude: Well i'm sorry if i'm trying to be logical here. But i know it sounded like divine intervention. I'm sure the Lord decided this might change your heart and stop your hatred again't him, but apparently, it didn't work. I hope you repent soon.
Me: One, how do you hate something that don't exist? Two, he knows the future supposedly. Couldn't he have known this wouldn't convert me back to the cult? Sure, im owed a new car but does that erase the fucking trauma i went through? Again, some moron of a driver t boned me right when im on his 11 o clock. a first grader would have been able to see and avoid it. And you say you're the logical one and i'm not? Boy, you have no idea. You really wanna see some logic here? Cuz i got a lot of hard hitters here.
(Then the bitch does not respond and deletes his original post, containing our entire conversation)
I swear, they'll praise god for every single thing good and bad. direct praise when good happens and praise when they find tiny silver linings to the bad things.