What are you doing to resist?
We’re in the middle of a Christian nationalist fascist takeover…and I just feel kinda useless.
I’ve tried to boost anti-propaganda in conservative spaces but at this point they’re so coordinated that it’s impossible to get any traction for the truth. I’ve thought about organizing protests but I’ve never been a big fan. I don’t think they’re wildly effective at swaying public opinion and I think conservatives are hoping for them to incite violence to ultimately enact emergency powers.
Shit, I can’t even convince my own family with proof in front of their eyes. The cult has fully taken over.
I don’t know. I wish there was something I could do to move the metric. Then there’s this overthinking side of me that wonders…if I truly respect democracy, shouldn’t I respect the peoples’ choice to end it?
Would love to hear what you all are doing (if anything) about this.