Answering Teams messages - etiquette

Anybody else had co-workers who are very slow on replying to Teams messages?

I don’t mean an hour delay. I mean it’s 24 hours later and they haven’t opened it yet. And these aren’t senior leaders - they’ve been peers of mine who are specialist level.

Obviously I’m not expecting people to be on call the second I happen to ping, but when I’ve got days of delay from even opening a message (and it’s the same people doing it over and over again), what is reasonable/unreasonable to expect here?

EDIT: I’m not asking so much about how to follow up (ie, send an email) - already do that. Just curious how people are using (or not using) Teams messages, and why it seems like lots of people ignore them

EDIT: Should have mentioned, I’m not sending messages that just say “hello, how are you?” with no work question. It’s always a specific question - ie, “Hi there, hope you’re well. Just wondering if we’re still meeting at 10am today?” Etc.

EDIT: Ok!! It’s been interesting hearing everyone’s perspectives on Teams 😂

I agree that Teams sucks, it can be distracting and annoying, and way too omnipresent.

But lots of people saying they just straight up ignore Teams messages because it’s disruptive to them doing their job… it’s kinda a catch 22, because being ignored when asking legit work questions, and me having to follow you up in multiple ways like calls or emails, is disruptive to me doing my job 😭 I’m not reaching out to you for the lols!