Is the momentum the libertarian movement was feeling completely dead?

I remember from 2016-2020 every conservative wanted to be libertarian. Libertarians were the most dominant "3rd position" at the time. Disillusioned progressives identified as classical liberals, There was a huge reaction to cancel culture, and sjws, (this has kinda stayed in the form of "anti-woke") Reddit was predominantly libertarian, (Honestly was better than it is now) A lot of the online right were socially liberal atheists, I was even a libertarian.

The Democrats have been flirting with tankies and communists openly since 2014 but I feel like the reaction to the "Alt-Right" the Republican party had is mostly gone, and now they pander more to them than libertarians. In general religious authoritarians aren't really shy about being religious authoritarians anymore either. It feels like the term "lolbert" is how most people view libertarians now.