I don't know if I should start

Hello authors, I would like to vent so I apologize in advance for the long post.

I've carried the dream of becoming a published author since childhood. Life, however, had other plans – bills needed paying, so I spent six years as a copywriter and editor in the digital marketing world. Anyone familiar with that industry knows it's less about creative writing and more about SEO keywords and crafting content for readers who barely skim past the first line before clicking "add to cart."

Now, I've finally reached a point of financial stability. While I still need to work, I have something precious: time to write. I've been researching the publishing journey, and honestly, getting published seems even more daunting than writing the book itself. Part of me says "just start writing and figure it out later," while another voice whispers that I might pour my heart into something that either never sees the light of day or worse – gets published only to be torn apart by readers.

I'd love to hear from others who've walked this path or are currently on it. Has anyone else navigated these same fears while pursuing their writing dreams?