Is there a void?

Jed McKenna and a lot of Eastern religions have their various descriptions of The Void, the eternal nothingness of quiet darkness upon which all of this is built up from. A scientist might say it sounds like the Heat Death, maximum entropy, boring, absolute energy. Gnostics call it The Unknowable God. It's the "place" where time and place don't exist, there is no ego, things seem frozen and depressing and... why would you want to go there?

Enlightenment is often called the great cosmic joke, you never like what you discover, whatever.

But, I want to see The Void for myself; all these people who talk of The Void say that once you get there, there is nowhere to go except back the way you came, back into the illusion. So I don't think I should have to stay there, but if I could get there and just look at it... it would be the one thing (besides "I Am") that I could actually know is real out there.

Example what I'm talking about (most recent thing that prodded me into thinking of The Void): Jed McKenna on The Truman Show