Does anyone else despise Stacey's dad so much that they've always found Maureen buying a bunch of jewelry with his money in the middle of their divorce to be kind of iconic?
Don't get me wrong, I have my issues with Maureen too that I could write a couple paragraphs about, but overall she was a good mother. But as for Stacey's father? Yeah I don't think there's a single book that he was likable in. He's selfish, entitled, hypocritical, and never takes accountability.
Like here for example. He seriously had the AUDACITY to accuse Maureen of neglecting Stacey, and then a page later calls her a spoiled brat for wanting him to spend more time at home because he was actually the one neglecting his family.
His worst moments off the top of my head:
In the Island Adventure when he threw a tantrum at Stacey for wanting to go home because her friends were missing, could have possibly even been DEAD!
In Stacey's Emergency when he interrogated Stacey about her mom's whereabouts because he was suspicious she was on a date and not at Dee's like Stacey told him she was, as if it was any of his business if she was. And then when Maureen got home and talked to him she warned him that Stacey wasn't feeling well and he needed to keep the weekend lowkey so she could rest, he accused her of just being "jealous of what he can do for Stacey". He had to see how bad Stacey was with his own eyes before getting his shit together, and even then he constantly worked while she was in the hospital. His audacity made yet another appearance when he tried to blame Maureen for Stacey getting sick.
In Stacey's Choice when he put the pressure of his career and image on his 13 year old's shoulders by being so pushy about her coming to his big promotion dinner while she was an anxious wreck about leaving her sick mother.